Saturday, April 2, 2011

WWE Wrestlemania 27 Results - Wwe en vivo Premier League Table 2011

When it was announced that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will host Wrestlemania this year in Atlanta, the first target of the Great John Cena. Insulting his style is his slogan for his call of young fans, Rock verbally raked Cena on one side and the other down. Cena fought next week, and exchanged so chooses.

For the most part, however, both men face with the man. . . Current Champion WWE, Miss. You know, the man who was set to be opposed to Cena at Wrestlemania. Everything changed last night, on Raw last Monday, however, when the former star of the reality show was in the ring when they met face to face encounter between Cena and rock, making a whip rock and his People's Elbow trouble.

Not to be outdone, after Rock filed outside the ring Miss, he turned around. . . and was immediately flown Cena, who hit his attitude adjustment, as shown over.

It is likely that Rock will take part in this game somehow. . . but whose name? Is there a purpose Miz after he and Alex Riley tried to jump over him on the raw materials? Or will he take revenge for John Cena to hit the Attitude adjustment? Or. . . Does it somehow get their hands on the two men in it?

Forecast: Cena wins the championship for the eighth time rock-interference. . . And then eat the Rock Bottom / People with a combination of the elbow after the game when the crowd goes crazy.

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