Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Interview: Cristiano Ronaldo


Cristiano attending an interview from Lisbon
Cristiano Ronaldo at Lisbon

How are you?
Okay. I was in the Algarve with family.

Do you have the wish for start the next season?
No, I want to vacation. Give it time. Now we have to rest the body.

You realizes that your numbers are brutal...
Yes. It was my second year in the league and I was more comfortable. On a personal level was the best for goals and individual actions. I'd rather score the half and win the Champions League or the League.

How many goals will you score in the next season?
I will not say a number. If you work, if you are concentrated, if the team is good, it's easier. If I could score the same of this season, I sign it.

What grade have you get in this year?
Well, it's difficult. I'm not a very vain person. But from 0 to 10, I do not know... 8 or 9.

And Real Madrid?
Also 8 or 9. With another title the season would have been phenomenal.

To win just the Spanish Cup seems poor result...
Yes, for me it does. We had the potential to earn more, the Champions League or the League. We do not need to complain nor talk about the referees but many things have happened in the League and the Champions League. I do not want to talk about it. I'm sure, and also the coach that in his second year, all will be better.

Barcelona was the best?
At regular level, was the best. Had a major advantage. Everyone knows what happened.

The referees have lost respect for Madrid?
I do not know if it is a question of losing respect or not. Can not be just the referees. I will not go into polemics. If I speak what I think, they kill me.

Which team played better: Madrid or Barcelona?
What people remember is the team that wins. They played better and did not win by chance, were better.

If Real Madrid would have played more brave...
In questions of tactics and football, Mourinho is the number 1 and knows what is best. His arrival was important for me. For me the best are those that show in many leagues. If you're good in England, have to be good in Spain or Italy. He is the best because he won all the championships in which he battled. People have no idea of what happens in the dressing room. He is phenomenal.

Is he the best in the world? Better than Ferguson?
It's different. We can not compare Ferrari with Porsche. Do you like Ferrari or Porsche? They are the best. Mourinho impressed me by his training methods, which are the best.

After the Barcelona match (UCL Semifinal) you said you did not like playing as well...
Sometimes what we think is not what we should say. We said things that we did not want to say. It was not with evil intent, but I was frustrated by the match and the Pepe's send-off.

You are the striker of Real Madrid?
I am playing in the same position where I played in Manchester, in the wing. Nine is not the position I like, but if I have to play, I do. I prefer the wing.

Are you obsessed with the Tenth (European Cup)?
Obsessed, no. I'm not obsessed with anything, but I'm excited, a lot. I am sure that if Real Madrid wins the Tenth, the city of Madrid will stop.

Can you overthrow the Barcelona? Soon?
No team is unbeatable. Barcelona has a great team, but we'll get, we showed it in the Spanish Cup.

How does the competition with Messi?
I do not compete with him, I compete with myself, with the teams in the league. Messi is a great player and plays for a great team. I really like, he is good, may be the best, and he is doing something very important for Barcelona.

Would you like to play with him?
I do not see Messi leaving Barcelona nor Cristiano leaving Madrid. At least for now. But you never know, why not?

You would never play in Barcelona?
Never is a strong word. I chose between Madrid and Barcelona and it was due to something. The money is not important. I could have the double. For me the personal issue is more important than money and in Madrid, I'm great. If my dependent, I sign 10 years to stay in Madrid until the end of my career.

Would you like to leave football in Madrid?
Why not? But in football there are circumstances that can change an idea. You never know. But at this point, I would like.

Did you have the chance to sign for Barcelona?
For many more clubs.

Were you born to play for Real Madrid?
I chose Madrid because I liked more than anything else.

Manchester City has made an offer of 170 million for you...
Not bad, eh? I will not leave Real. You have my word.

Do you feel valued?
I feel comfortable. I want to fulfill my contract. Now, if they offer me a renewal, I will renew for many years.

Do you like Neymar or Kun Aguero?
Do you speak about those players for Real? I'm out. They are two great players.

Can you imagine playing with Kun Aguero?
Not yet. He is not in Real Madrid, so I can not imagine.

And Neymar?
I saw only two games and I liked him. He is very good.

What would bring Coentrao?
He is versatile. He can play left, front, in the center. He is the best Portuguese player in Portugal. It would be a great signing. He is a good guy, ambitious, plays well and runs.

What do you think about Sahin, Callejon and Altintop?
Madrid thinks they are good players to help the team, so we have to support them when they arrive.

Will Sahin throw any free-kick?
(Laughs). The coach will decide. We respect what he says but... I will shoot in my side.

Would you buy to Adebayor?
If I was the president, he would stay on the team. Sometimes it is not only important to be a good player, but what lies behind.

What about the signings of Barcelona?
I do not care. They can sign Maradona, Cruyff, with all my respect. I do not care what they sign.

Have you felt sorry for the dismissal of Valdano?
Well ... The club issues, I do not remit. It is a decision of the president.

Would you like Figo in that job?
He is a former Real Madrid player with experience... I would like.

Where do you feel more recognized and valued, in England or Spain?
In the two sites. I am a player who can play in every league and show I am good. The numbers speak for themselves. In both places I am valued.

Where are you more insulted?
I have no doubt: in Spain. I do not understand some things.

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